The drama around the selection of the Team India Cricket Coach seems to be never-ending. After months of speculation, Ravi Shastri was appointed the Head Coach last week with Rahul Dravid and Zaheer Khan being appointed the batting and bowling coach respectively (only to travel when required). Post that, some sections of the media reported that Ravi is not happy with Zaheer's appointment and wants Bharath Arun as the bowling coach. Between all these, CAC's letter to the BCCI expressing disappointment went viral.
Now, there is another twist in the tale. According to reports, Sehwag was Kohli's first choice before things tilted towards Shastri. Sehwag has been successful with Kings XI Punjab and with both being from Delhi, there was good understanding between the two. However, Sehwag wanted to bring along with him a team of support staff that would include physiotherapist Amit Tyagi and Kings XI Punjab assistant coach Mithun Manhas and this is where Kohli didn't agree and thinngs fell apart.
We hope these off field issues resolve quickly and we get to see some good games instead.
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